Sunday, September 4, 2011

Logic and Reason Supporting A Creator God

by BlogSpotThinker
Posted September 06, 2011
(Revised October 3, 2011)

This article appears to be primarily intended to (a) address the suggestion that science considers belief in God to be irrational and to (b) suggest that those suggestions appear to misrepresent science’s position on this subject. The article shares a few examples of logic and reason that appears to point to God and a few challenges to apparent assertions that appear to suggest that the attributes of God are fictional.

Logic science appears to suggest that the basis for assertion that a premise is false is the extent to which that premise can be irrefutably proven to be false. Otherwise, logic science appears to suggest that the only assertion that logic science appears to consider to be valid regarding the premise is that available information regarding the premise appears insufficient to form the basis for offering an opinion about the premise that is intended to be considered to be irrefutable.

Consequently, if logic science does not assert basis for irrefutably declaring the non-existence of God, then claims that science does make that assertion appear to be false.

Consequently, without claiming authoritative knowledge, the apparently reasonable theory is herein presented that scientific logic and reason appear to suggest the existence of a Creator-God to be a rational concept.

Support Overview
I humbly and respectfully submit the apparently reasonable perspective that the Bible appears to offer the most comprehensive set of explanations that I have encountered regarding the human experience. This apparently strong, Biblical set of explanations appears to include answers to questions for which science appears not yet to have offered an alternative. Consequently, ascribing more influence to the Bible’s apparent claims than to claims of a pink unicorn, magic space pizza or wizard, as appear to have been suggested, appears to be reasonably considered to be less-than-irrational.

The Bible appears to suggest that human ability to discern and identify God has been damaged by the apparently Biblically-suggested rejection of God’s sovereign leadership. This apparently Biblically-suggested human limitation appears to include the capabilities of scientific inquiry. Consequently, no irrefutable physical evidence or scientifically-verifiable evidence appears to be intended to be suggested for the existence of God. Rather, the support apparently intended to be submitted is logic and reason regarding apparently reported, scientifically-accepted phenomena, as other tenets of science appear to be, that appears to suggest the existence of God. That logic and reason appears to be intended to be represented by BlogSpot Thinker.

Self Certification
God appears to be reasonably suggested to be a self-authorizing entity. This suggestion appears to be reasonable because of the apparent Biblical suggestion that God is the sovereign entity of all reality. As sovereign, existence of a higher-level, certifying authority appears to be reasonably considered to be precluded. Any support of the claim of authority would, therefore, appear to be reasonably considered to be submitted by lower-level entities. Due to God’s apparently Biblically-suggested role as creator of all reality, the extent of the authority upon which created entities would appear to reasonably be considered to have basis to verify God’s claim of authority appears, logically, to be God’s claim of authority.

Suggested Attributes of God Apparently Observable in Other Entities
This logic and reason suggests that attributes associated with God appear scientifically considered to exist in other entities, perhaps even in combination. If so, it appears reasonable to suggest that these attributes might also exist in God. For example, God appears to be considered to be infinite, and infinite existence appears to be a scientifically accepted concept. Likewise, God appears considered to be omniscient and science appears willing to accept that, even among humans, one human might have more knowledge than all the others, although science might not be able to feasibly determine which one it is. Similarly, God’s proposed infinite existence appears scientifically acceptable as reason to rationally suspect God’s knowledge as being beyond that of humans, and perhaps, beyond that of all that exists within infinity. These appear not to be very far leaps of “scientific faith”. Consequently, it appears less than irrational to suggest that an entity might have all those attributes and maybe more.

Voids in the Human Experience
Apparent voids in the structure of human experience appear to suggest the existence of information or functionality superlative to what appears to be humanly-held. The Bible appears to attribute this information and functionality to God.

For example, differing human moral values appear to suggest that a values standard probably exists via which the relative “rightness” of those human moral values might be determined. This appears to suggest that an entity - God - is knowledgeable enough to know that standard.

History appears to report a human trend toward pomp and circumstance and the establishment of leadership figures. This trend appears to suggest a void in the human experience in the shape of an entity with such superior glory and power. The Bible appears to suggest that entity to be God.

The Apparently Suggested Unobservability of God Observed in Other Entities
Scientific review of the phenomena of life and thought appear to suggest that they are phenomena beyond the scope of matter with a nature different than any other known to humanity. Nonetheless, these phenomena appear to be accepted by science as existent and limitedly predictable, although their source appears to not be observed using current scientific inquiry, apparently because of limited, if at all existent, human understanding of their natures. God appears rationally suggested to have a nature that might be similarly unknown to man and, like life and thought, therefore, not humanly testable beyond observation of God’s suggested, verifiable, physical effect.

This and other logic that appears to logically point toward the existence of certain components of reality that appear to match certain suggested attributes of God, appear to suggest that the theoried existence of God is less than unreasonable.


  1. Really ?

    Confused uninformed polemic is not an argument, it is a wihsfull fantasy.

  2. apologies for spelling error.

  3. This is incoherent garbage.

  4. The best example of a 'word salad' I have yet seen. Standard fare from the godbots I'm afraid. All pastry and no meat. 'scuse the mixed metaphor, I must be hungry :-)
