Saturday, September 17, 2011

Religious Diversity

by BlogSpotThinker
September 17, 2011
(Revised October 4, 2011)

Theories Regarding The Origins of Religious Diversity
The Bible appears to suggest that, initially, God and humanity had a close relationship and that humanity, somehow, was convinced to reject or otherwise abandon relationship with God. The Bible appears to further suggest that, as a result, individuals’ recollection and/or understanding about God deteriorated or was purposely and inappropriately replaced with humanly-preferred concepts, leading to the diversity of religions today.

This would appear to suggest the apparently reasonable theory that there is one God and that differing religions refer to that God or some interpretation or modified version.

Theories Regarding God and Human Individualism
Regarding individualism in the God/human relationship, the Bible appears to suggest that relationship between God and humanity involves certain facets that appear to apply somewhat similarly among individuals (Adam, Eve and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: Genesis 2). Violation of these of God-given guidelines, suggested to be based upon human assertion of individuality, appears described by the Bible as not sanctioned by God, but forgivable by God.

However, the Bible’s apparent depiction of an apparent conflict of opinion between Moses, Aaron and Miriam regarding God’s demands also appears to suggest that the God/human relationship also appears somewhat individualized (Numbers 12).

In summary, the Bible appears to suggest that relationship with God should be prioritized and that questions regarding God and relationship to God should be individually referred to God (James 1: 5, 6).

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