Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Role of Religion in Social Conflict

by BlogSpotThinker
September 6, 2011
(Revised September 19, 2011)

In one way, belief in God appears similar to other issues in that difference of perspective constitutes a conflict. Reports appear to suggest divorces are based on sufficiently different views on money and the propriety of extra-marital relationships; physical fights appear reported to be based upon differences in the way a look was interpreted; feuds appear reported regarding borrowed possessions or actual or perceived wrongs; civil wars appear reported to have been fought over civil rights; and world wars apparently reported fought over socio-economic strategy, imperialism and related issues. As a result, it seems somewhat misleading to blame divisiveness and social conflict on belief in God.

On the other hand, belief in God appears suggested to be the fundamental issue of all reality. Per this perspective, all non-discretionary issues, if not all issues, appear to be impacted by whether God whether God exists, whether God establishes the standard of right and wrong, and what that standard is. Importantly, as well, the existence of God appears reasonably suggested to impact possibly the two next most important aspects of human reality: purpose and destiny. If all issues are based upon these factors, then different understandings about God’s existence and philosophy (possibly, the definition of religion) might reasonably be expected to be the focus of a large portion of social controversy.

Concern regarding the spiritual impact of such differences of opinion regarding God might constitute the most common concern regarding changes in the spiritual beliefs of valued associates.

In addition, perhaps the “tinderbox effect” might also be attributable to the theory that personal relationship with God appears to be considered an important facet of belief in God. The questioning of the value of one’s relationship with God might also be perceived as a personal affront.

History and the Bible appear to suggest that there is no solution for such conflict over religious or secular issues other than God. Attempting to humanly, even violently eradicate religion or secularism appears reported to be unsuccessful. The freedom of choice that God appears to have granted to individuals appears to allow both religion or secularism to grow. The suggested solution appears to be for each individual to recognize and voluntarily acknowledge God’s existence and sovereignty. If God is indeed sovereign, then voluntary individual recognition and acceptance of God’s sovereignty and direct reference to God for understanding regarding relationship with God appears reasonably considered to resolve the problem.

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